Sleep Disorders
Sleep Disorder Facts
If you suffer from sleep apnea, or know someone who does, it’s important to get a proper evaluation and treatment plan in place.
It may literally save your life.
Sleep disorder F.A.Q.s
- 90 million Americans snore.
- 60% of all Americans over the age of 40 snore.
- 27% of all American couples sleep in separate bedrooms because of snoring.
- Over 56 million people, 24% of men and 9% of women, suffer with sleep apnea.
- 80% – 90% of sleep apnea sufferers go undiagnosed.
- Only 5% of sleep apnea sufferers are treated.
- Close to 75% of those treated with CPAP reject this form of treatment.
Sleep apnea has been linked to a number of serious life-threatening conditions including diabetes, obesity, heart disease and stroke.
- More than 80% of people with high blood pressure also have sleep apnea. (1)
- Almost 70% of people who have had a stroke have sleep apnea. (2)
- People with sleep apnea are 15 times more likely to get into a motor vehicle accident. (3)
- Almost 50% of Type 2 diabetes patients have sleep apnea. (4)
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) drivers are more dangerous than drunk drivers. (5)
- The more severe the erectile dysfunction, the greater the likelihood of having OSA. (6)
- People with OSA are 4 times more likely to have a heart attack. (7)
- OSA Patients are at a 40% greater risk of having depression. (8)
- Individuals with OSA are also more likely to have sexual impotence and develop diabetes. (9,10)
- Sleep apnea raises death risk by 46 percent. (11)
Treating OSA will not only improve your quality of life, but may also save your life.
Whether you’re here on this site investigating snoring or sleep apnea, the bottom line is these conditions are both medically dangerous and socially unacceptable. There is a workable solution … we know.
We provide treatment for these conditions utilizing Oral Appliance Therapy.
“80% of users preferred the oral appliance over the CPAP machine in the treatment of sleep apnea and snoring.” — U.S. Department Of Health & Human Services
We treated over 1/5 of our staff, 40+ medical professionals, and over 4000 of our patients who were in the same situation you are in; and they’re not anymore.
“97% Of Patients Who Used The Oral Appliance Considered It Effective In Eliminating Or Reducing Sleep Apnea And Snoring.” — U.S. Department Of Health & Human Services